Headshot of dancer Sam, he wears a black t-shirt and has short blonde hair with a longer fringe

Sam Gilovitz


I was born in Perth, Western Australia and began my first full time dance training at the Australian Ballet School in Melbourne. I later completed 3 more years of study at the New Zealand School of Dance as a contemporary major.
While studying I was taught by notable mentors including James O’Hara, Alice Lee Holland and Victoria Colombus and I performed works by Damien Jalet and Huang Yi.
After graduating I began working with Dance Theatre Heidelberg under the direction of Iván Pérez. During my three years with the company I performed works by Iván Pérez, Renan Martins and Astrid Boons.
In 2022 I joined the Ballet National de Marseille directed by (LA)HORDE. I toured extensively with the company performing works by (LA)HORDE, Oona Doherty, Lucinda Childs and Tânia Carvalho.

I joined NDCWales in 2023 as a freelance dancer.