NDCWales Presents Écrit by Nikita Goile Production Info 10 minutes Écrit by Nikita Goile was inspired by a letter from iconic artist Frida Kahlo to her partner Diego. Creative Team Set and Costume Designer: Erty HuangLighting Designer: Jose TevarSound Design: Benjamin SmithComposer: Florencia AlenMusic: What difference a day makes by Dinah Washington, Death and life by Balanescu Quartet, Esse olhar que era só teu by Dead Combo, all other music by Florencia Alen Choreographer Nikita Goile Reviews "The love in this dance makes me cry. This feels as if it has been born perfect, perfection born of two imperfect creatures in a story of passion and pain." - Get the Chance “An intense and passionate piece” - South Wales Argus “The dynamics of that turbulent, but essentially loving relationship were beautifully and cleverly expressed” - Buzz Magazine The clever duet is performed by a female dancer and a giant silhouette of her lover. It’s a beautiful power struggle that reflects the ups and downs of passionate relationships. "As the research started it became clear the piece would explore relationships and its dynamic, and how much do we influence one another. When pushing the boundaries, we can easily reach this delicate state where there is no distinction between control and surrender. The power keeps on shifting between the dancers, as a game." - Nikita Goile, Choreographer Gallery