Jill has a short black bob and a mole under her right eye

Jill Goh


I studied at the School of The Arts (SOTA) in Singapore before pursuing full-time vocational training at the New Zealand School of Dance in Wellington, New Zealand, where I had the pleasure of performing in works by Amber Haines, Sarah Foster-Sproull, Michael Parmenter and Hofesh Shechter. Upon graduating I worked with Humanhood Company from 2018 through to 2019, performing in their first group piece ‘Torus’. In early 2020 I joined Shechter II, touring ‘Political Mother: Unplugged’ around Europe in the autumn/winter of 2021. In the interim I was involved in the creation and performance of ‘Light: Bach Dances’, a production co-produced by the Royal Danish Theatre and Hofesh Shechter Company. I joined NDC Wales in January 2023.

Jill leans back, lying on the floor in sparkly black costume with a serene look on her face
two dancers under neon lights in fuky shirts and shorts, Jill wears sunglasses and faces the camera, one knee up
Jill stands in centre stage wearing a cape and holding a large lizard, she wears a hat that is very tall and made of balls to look like frogspawn, two other dancers point at her hat with big arrows