Open Space image a group sat in a semi circle on the floor

Ballet Cymru, Creu Cymru, Groundwork Pro, Kokoro Arts and National Dance Company Wales host Open Space on dance in Wales

Ballet Cymru, Creu Cymru, Groundwork Pro, Kokoro Arts and National Dance Company Wales are collectively hosting an Open Space event about dance in Wales on Tuesday 17 November online.

Open Space events are spaces to discuss and problem solve together, with an agenda that is set in real time on the day of the event by those attending.

This is the third Open Space event has been held for the dance sector in Wales in the last four years. 

Open Space is a free event, open to anyone at any level; freelancers, hobbyists, people who work in arts venues, and both publicly and privately funded dance organisations are welcome to attend and be part of the conversation.

For November’s Open Space there is one overarching question - How can we work together to create a fairer and sustainable future for dance in Wales?

This question will form the root of all other discussions during the day in smaller groups, which participants are free to suggest, attend and swap between.

The aim of the event is to problem solve and create ideas that may then spark action and be a catalyst for change which the partner organisations will then work together to disseminate findings as well as encouraging resulting actions points.

The event will all be online in a relaxed environment so attendees can be flexible in turning off their videos, being on mute or logging on and off when needed.

Open Space will be held online on Tuesday 17 November, 9.45am – 3.15pm.

If you would like to attend Open Space online, please apply through NDCWales’ website –

Open Space is free to attend for all, but NDCWales is offering payment for freelancer workers to make up for potential lost income in attending the event.  There is no application process and further information about the paid freelance application can be found at

