A picture of Alexandra, long brown her over her left shoulder, dark features, black background
CDCCymru yn Cyflwyno

2067: Time and Time and Time

gan Alexandra Waierstall

Gwybodaeth ynghylch y cynhyrchiad
23 munud

Mae 2067: Time and Time and Time yn gain. Dawnswyr yn datgelu cerdd sy’n tywynnu, ynghylch y berthynas rhwng hanes amser a barddoniaeth tynged.

Tîm Creadigol

Coreograffydd, Cysyniad: Alexandra Waierstall

Cydweithio Coreograffig: Harry Koushos

Cyfansoddwr: Hauschka

Dylunydd Golau: Caty Olive

Cysniad Gwisgoedd: Alexandra Waierstall

Dylunydd Set: Alexandra Waierstall

Dylunydd Gwisgoedd: Brighde Penn


Alexandra Waierstall

Alexandra long hair arm pointing forward

“ 2067’ amplified the theatrical elements of dance in its efforts to produce a new, immersive world ...a highly memorable atmosphere that stuck with the viewer long after leaving the theatre.” 

- New Welsh Review

Aisha with arms in the air
2 dancers holding long lighting gel while 2 dancers move behind it
1 dancers with their arms out and leg pointing forward