CDCCymru yn Cyflwyno Revellers' Mass gan Caroline Finn Gwybodaeth ynghylch y cynhyrchiad 32 munud Canllaw oed: 7+ Cewch olwg ar fyd defodau, dirywiad a gormodedd wedi’i ysbrydoli gan ddarluniau crefyddol eiconig. Daw cymeriadau rhyfedd ynghyd, gan ddod â’u hamgylchedd yn fyw drwy goreograffi ysgogol a llawn cymeriad. Tîm Creadigol Cynllunio’r Set a’r Goleuo: Joseff Fletcher Dylunio Gwisgoedd: Gabriella Slade Dylunio sain: Charlie Knight Cerddoriaeth: Monk with Bell gan Michael Stearns, Eternity Theme (from Eternity and a day, Eleni Karaindrou) gan Tehran Vocal Ensemble, Messe in Re Maggiore P.46: Kyrie by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Messe di S. Emidio (Missa Romana) :X. Qui sedes ad dexterem patris gan Giovanni Battista, Love theme (from Cinema Paradiso) gan Tehran Vocal ensemble, A collection of Religious and Traditional Songs gan Chants From The Holy Land, Pizzica degli Ucci gan Mercan Dede, Lu povero ‘Ntonuccio (lamento funebre) traditionnel gan Lucilla Galeazzi, Marco Beasley, l’Arpeggiata, Cristina Pluhar. Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien by Edith Piaf. Coreograffwr Caroline Finn Adolygiadau “…boundless in its energy, searing in its seriousness, and is gloriously funny” - Wales Arts Review "There's a cacophony of activity on stage demanding our attention, a potent cocktail of tragedy and hedonism to tempt our sensibilities." - Bachtrack "In a rousing finale, nine dancers enact a feverish satire of neurotic religious devotion that escalates into orgiastic ridiculousness" - The Times Galeri