Bernadette image dancer on the floor and flour in the air
CDCCymru yn Cyflwyno


gan Caroline Finn

Gwybodaeth ynghylch y cynhyrchiad
14 munud
Canllaw oed: 8+

Mae gwylio Bernadette gan goreograffydd GDCC,  Caroline Finn, fel gwylio rhannau o Great British  Bake Off nad yw’n cael eu dangos ar y teledu, y ddau  yn ddoniol a hynod drasig. Mae’r darn hwn o  ddawns gomedïaidd yn flêr iawn, yn gorfforol ac yn  emosiynol: blawd a theimladau wedi’u gwasgaru ym  mhob man.

Tîm Creadigol

Dylunio Gwisgoedd: Caroline Finn

Dylunio Golau: Caroline Finn

Cerddoriaeth: In a Manner of Speaking by Nouvelle Vague, Excerpts from: Zoku by Kodo


Caroline Finn

Caroline Finn

“moving, and yet somehow quite funny” 

- We Reviewed This 

“sheer singular bloody brilliance” 

- Wales Arts Review

“Anybody who sees Bernadette must feel honoured to witness it, as Finn is a masterful character dancer who feeds so much pathos into an accomplished physicality."

- Steve Stratford Reviews 

Bernadette under the table, head on the floor
2 images of Bernadette, one with table and mixing bowl, one looking out to the audience
Cami lying under a table in despair